Hallo Idiot, NPD, Migranten, Antwortbrief, Brief
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We recently received an interesting letter. It was sent to politicians of foreign descent by the NPD. Read it here for yourselves:

Emigration instead of immigration!


Hello migrant,

The word “migrant” originates from Latin. Latin was spoken by the Romans. Their mighty empire fell, because too many migrants entered the Roman empire and constructed parallel societies.

As aformentioned, the word “migrant” is derived from the Latin term “migrare”. In German, this means: to move. This may sound harmless, if it weren’t for its shocking consequences. Fortunately, this word has several more meanings. It can also be translated to mean: emigration, transportation or relocation.

Therefore, your specific case of migration could be critically evaluated by Germans using Roman terms. Your political influence on the German ethnic group could even be punishable under the consideration of human rights, because it is forbidden to manipulate the physical and psychological state of a group.

However, you don’t have to let it get that far. Can you recall? “Migrare” can also mean to emigrate. We see a patent solution in this. After all, you should not be transported in any way that is disadvantageous to you. We would prefer if you relocated by emigrating.

Just consider how many troubles and problems you would save established politicians. After all, they pledged to keep the German people out of harm’s way, and to make them exist more efficiently. Thanks to your emigration this oath would no longer be an empty promise, it would become true.

A concerned German-Turkish citizen replied:


Instead of talking nonsense, don’t get involved!

Hello idiot,

The word “idiot” originates from Greek. Greek is spoken by the Greek. Their ancestors once invented the concept of democracy, because too many idiots entered positions of power, and constructed idiotic societies.

As aforementioned, the word “idiot” is derived from the Greek term “idiotes”. In German, this means: “private individual”. This may sound harmless, if it weren’t for its shocking consequences. Fortunately, however, this word has several different meanings. In Greek city-states it was also used to refer to: “people who do not involve themselves in political matters or hold office”.

Therefore, your specific case of idiocy could be critically evaluated by logically thinking people, using Greek terms. Your political influence on a group of people, who simply want to co-exist in peace, could even have you held responsible referring to Constitutional Law, which states human dignity is inviolable.

However, you don’t have to let it get that far. Do you remember? The word “idiotes” can also mean to refrain from involvement in public and political affairs. I see a patent solution in this, after all, you should not be treated in any way that is disadvantageous to you. I would prefer it if you willingly stopped getting involved.

Just consider how many troubles and problems you would save the people who are sacrificing themselves for the future of Germany. After all, they decided not to forsake Germany. Thanks to your non-involvement, this decision would no longer be a wish, but a real chance.

Kind regards,

a responsible and concerned (Turkish) German citizen

PS: I have corrected a few minor infractions against the rules of German grammar, and I have also re-written some things in a way in which they can be read more easily. German is a beautiful language that offers many very useful rules that govern the placement of commas, which make reading and writing in German even more enjoyable. We should all be mindful of preserving our beautiful German language. If we don’t protect it, who will?


Switch here to the German-Version 


Translated from German by Eva Gaida

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